[RBS] Rbzn Blimi Birinbaum Motzei Shabbos

[RBS] Rbzn Blimi Birinbaum Motzei Shabbos

Ariel-Sara Gerowitz arielsarag at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 13:43:33 IST 2013

Please join the community of RBS for an Evening of Chizuk and Inspiration
for the refua shleimah of the cholim of our neighborhood.

Rebbetzin Blimi Birinbaum

Motzei Shabbos, Parshas Yisro
February 2nd
8:30 PM Prompt followed by tehillim
Beis Tefilla, Nachal Refaim 34A

For more details call 999-6013
Sponsorship opportunities please call 054-613-5960


Ariel-Sara Gerowitz
Arielsarag at gmail.com

When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
Life isn't about the destination, but the journey.
Breathe in the day, breathe out a few thank yous
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