[RBS] Registration Open for Virtual Flash Fiction Course

[RBS] Registration Open for Virtual Flash Fiction Course

Harry greenspan rabbispan at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 5 20:13:42 IST 2013

START DATE:  Thursday, April 4, 2013
DURATION:  8 weeks
COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course uses short readings and peer and instructor critiques to teach participants how to craft story ideas into flash fiction. We focus on carving your work down to its essence, while still conveying meaning through the successful interplay between character, conflict and theme.
Course objectives:
	1. To complete at least one flash piece that is on a publishable level.
	2. To sharpen your editing & critiquing skills.
	3. To increase your confidence as a writer through understanding the basic components of a flash fiction piece.
	4. To add depth to your flash fiction through literary devices.
	5. To broaden your knowledge of publication opportunities for flash fiction.
For registration, testimonials, questions and weeks at a glance: http://www.wow-womenonwriting.com/WOWclasses.html#GilaGreen_FlashFictionWorkshop

Gila Green
Look for my novel KING OF THE CLASS on Amazon 
NEW Flash Fiction course this April 2013 SIGN UP:
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