[RBS] seforim for sale

[RBS] seforim for sale

Harry greenspan rabbispan at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 9 22:38:24 IST 2013

:Ralbag al HaTorah [Mosad HaRav] 2 volumes//Jew and his Home [KiTov]//Soncino Chumash// Kinot [Heb & Eng]  // Metzuda 5-volume Linear Kitzur//Koren Tanac"h with English translation/ /Kitzur shulchan Aruch[English]//      Brand-new seforim:Half- price! Artscroll, Feldheim,CIS, Mosad HaRav,Soncino,   AllOF THESE AVAILABLE BRAND-NEW IN NEW OR EXCELLENT CONDITION--- CASH ONLY--Call me @ 0525650069  regarding a time to come & view the books at my home on Ayalon in RBS !                                                         [PLEASE do not call & ask, "Do you have
this-or-that  sefer?" ]                 [Many other random used seforim available for perusal and purchase  once you arrive--No additional charge for those I have "autographed&q uot;]            Rabbi HarryGreenspan                     ***Check the online LIST  price and pay ONE-HALF***                                                                                                                                  Mosad HaRav : Seridei Aish A [1-2] and B [3-4],  Hakdamat HaRambam L' Perush HaMishna [El Am  v.18 ], Shita Mekuvetzet  Bava Metzia A & B ,Hagada Torat Chaim                                                             Feldheim :The Knowing Heart by RMC Luzzato [Heb. &Eng.,paperback] , BiMechitzat
 Rabbenu [Biog.
of Rav Yakov Kamenetzky in Hebrew], The Commentator&# 39;s Pesach Seder Hagada by Sender], The Sabbath [Dayan Grunfeld,paperback] , Hagada Shel Pesach of the Chofetz Chaim [Heb.],   Pathway To Prayer  [by Birnbaum , Ashkenaz &  Sefard],                                              Portals of Faith [on Rambam' s thirteen principles, by Danin], Book of Our Heritage,small size  [ volumes #1 and #3] ,Letters of Fire [by Glazerson], A Hedge of Roses [Lamm,paperback] , Commentary of the Mishna of Maimonides [translated by Rosner], Book of Our Heritage [paperback,chodesh Nisan]====== ========= ==                                                                                                Artscoll / Mesorah: Ethics of the Fathers [3 volumes,small boxed set], The Lulav & Esrog Handbook [by Margolin], Hagada of
 Rav Shlomo
Zalmen,  **Schottenstein [large size]-TALMUD YERUSHALMI:Sukka, TALMUD BAVLI: Pesachim 3                                                                                  ******Talmud Bavli [INDIVIDUAL PAPERBACK VOLUMES as follows: Bava Metzia 1A and 2A, Bava Kama 2B BAVA METZIA:2A [Perakim : Hazahav,Shnayim Ochazin,Aizehu Neshech & Hasocher es Haumnim,Hamekabel & Habayis VeHaaliyah, HaSocher & HaShoel,Hokones & Meruba]***** *  
CIS Publishers; The Chasam Sofer [by Yakov David,paperback] , Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz [by Grossman,paperback] , Visions of Greatness [volume5,paperback]                                                                                                 Soncino Books of the Bible; Joshua/Judges, TwelveProphets, Jeremiah, Psalms,Job, Proverbs, KingsA and B ,Daniel/Ezra/ Nechemiah/ Ezekiel,Chronicl es A and B,Isaiah ,PLUS large size Soncino Babylonian Talmud : Gittin/Kiddushin  & SanhedrinA== ========= ========= ========    PLUS,  at 40 shekel each:   Steinzaltz Volumes [Large,Original] :Berachot,            Shabbat B ,Sanhedrin A , Sanhedrin B, Yevamot B ,Yevamot A, Sukka,Bava Metzia A,  Bava Metzia B, Pesachim A, Pesachim B, Eruvin A & B, RoshHashana/ Beitza,Yoma,   Moed Katan/Chagiga
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