[RBS] psa: nurofen syrup for pesach

[RBS] psa: nurofen syrup for pesach

Riva Pomerantz joelriva at 013net.net
Thu Mar 21 10:15:33 IST 2013

My son's fevers do not respond at all to Accamoli and being that he is sick
now, I was concerned about not being able to use Nurofen over Pesach because
it is not on the approved list. I just called the company and told them that
we have celiac in the family and asked if I give Nurofen to a celiac
sufferer. I was told, unequivocally, that there is no gluten in the syrup
and that it specifically says it is appropriate for celiac suffers. Nurofen
is manufactured abroad, which may have something to do with it not being on
the approved Pesach list, and it very likely contains kitniyot. Of course,
you need to ask your Rav, but I thought this information might be useful.

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