xfone 018 phone service and Linux

xfone 018 phone service and Linux

Gilad Ben-Yossef gilad at codefidence.com
Mon Mar 9 15:56:20 IST 2009

e2xbegqsdyt21hfc wrote:

> I don't know the technical details or 018.
> I do know that 012 provides you with a sip adapter that is plugged between  the bezeq/hot modem and your PC/ordinary phone. It could be that that adapter reserve some BW for the sip packets. 
SIP doesn't actually carry voice, only the control information. Voice is 
carried in RTP packets and they are normally around 100 bytes.

> In any case, my experience is that both 750K ADSl/cables is sufficient for a good quality phone service, with a lightly usage for internet and phone. The sip adapter I initially had was made in the US. I assume they use a US proven technology. My current sip adapter is made by AudioCodes. 012 claims that the sip adapter they provide should work with any ISP. I had two ISPs, and in my case their claim is justified.
BTW, I have it from very good sources that there exists newer versions 
of the AudioCodes adapters that actually run on Linux and there is even 
an up market version that runs Asterisk... :-)


Gilad Ben-Yossef 
Chief Coffee Drinker

Codefidence Ltd.
The code is free, your time isn't.(TM)

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	The Doctor: Don't worry, Reinette, just a nightmare. 
	Everyone has nightmares. Even monsters from under the 
	bed have nightmares, don't you, monster?
	Reinette: What do monsters have nightmares about?
	The Doctor: Me! 

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