

Erez D erez0001 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 09:47:25 IST 2010

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Shachar Shemesh <shachar at shemesh.biz> wrote:

>  Erez D wrote:
>>  when i write a program, i expect to get the same behaviour which doesn't
> depend on the WM.
> however: Traditional window managers reparent the window, and add the
> titlebar to the parent.
> compize on the other hand doesn't reparent the window, so the behaviour is
> different.
>   Yes, but that's avoiding Nadav's question, which was - why is this
> something for the program to do?
> i have two displays i want one to be a copy of the other, so when i move a
window on one display, i want it to move to the same position in the other.

>   i woudld expext the folowing line:
> XTranslateCoordinates(...,win,root,0,0, &x, &y, ...) ; XMoveWIndow(win,x,y)
> to do nothing.
> Then you would be wrong. The "x, y" are supposed to be relative to the
> coordinate system in which the window reside. Even without the window
> manager override, the above command would not work with reparented windows.
> yes it will.

> however, it does move the window, by the size of the titlebar ...
> Yes, because the route you use is unsupported in a WM environment. Deal
> with it.
> i'll probably have to

> Again, answer Nadav's question.
why are you so angry ?

>  Shachar
> --
> Shachar Shemesh
> Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.http://www.lingnu.com
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