

Shachar Shemesh shachar at shemesh.biz
Wed Mar 3 17:05:17 IST 2010

Erez D wrote:
> when i write a program, i expect to get the same behaviour which 
> doesn't depend on the WM.
> however: Traditional window managers reparent the window, and add the 
> titlebar to the parent.
> compize on the other hand doesn't reparent the window, so the 
> behaviour is different.
Yes, but that's avoiding Nadav's question, which was - why is this 
something for the program to do?
> i woudld expext the folowing line:
> XTranslateCoordinates(...,win,root,0,0, &x, &y, ...) ; 
> XMoveWIndow(win,x,y)
> to do nothing.
Then you would be wrong. The "x, y" are supposed to be relative to the 
coordinate system in which the window reside. Even without the window 
manager override, the above command would not work with reparented windows.
> however, it does move the window, by the size of the titlebar ...
Yes, because the route you use is unsupported in a WM environment. Deal 
with it.

Again, answer Nadav's question.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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