[rms at gnu.org: Speeches in Israel?]

[rms at gnu.org: Speeches in Israel?]

Uri Even-Chen uri at speedy.net
Mon Jan 17 10:45:10 IST 2011

2011/1/17 Mordecha Behar <mordecha.behar at mail.huji.ac.il>:
> Remember, he is a GNU founder, not a Linux founder. There is a difference.

Actually RMS doesn't like the name Linux, and he wants the operating
system to be called "GNU/Linux" or "GNU+Linux" and not Linux.  I
attended an open source conference in 2002 when he attended, and he
spoke about it.  Personally I think it's a lost battle, and Linux is a
good name for the operating system.  Especially when there are
operating systems such as Red Hat Linux, Debian and Ubuntu, adding the
name "GNU/Linux" to them would be too long and confusing.

P.S. I searched "linux" in Google and found out that the title on
www.debian.org is "Debian GNU/Linux".  RMS' battle for GNU/Linux is
not completely in vain.

Uri Even-Chen
Mobile Phone: +972-50-9007559
E-mail: uri at speedy.net
Website: http://www.speedy.net/

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