[RBS] where can I get sefarim of Rav Shmuel Hominer zt"l

[RBS] where can I get sefarim of Rav Shmuel Hominer zt"l

C. Breier cbreier at bezeqint.net
Sun Aug 30 21:23:15 IDT 2009

I am looking for other books by Rav Shmuel Hominer, zt"l, author of the 
sefer 'Mitzvas HaBitachon'.
Seforim titles include: 'Eved Hamelech', 'Lev Tahor', 'Ani LeDodi', 'Mevo 
LeTorah' and others.
If anyone knows where I can buy them at a reasonable price, pls contact me 
at 02-991-9974.
Thank you, Michael 

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