[RBS] What should we give the soldiers?

[RBS] What should we give the soldiers?

melabev beit shemesh melabev.shemesh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 14:40:55 IDT 2009

This Sunday morning, the Melabev Senior Center will be preparing
special packages for our soldiers.
If you have something that you would like to include in these boxes,
please bring it to the Melabev center at Matnas Zinman on Thursday
morning or you can drop it off anytime until motzei shabbos at Shivtei
Yisrael 1/3 in Givat Sharett. (please leave it in a bag labeled:
"soldiers" or "chayalim" )
Some suggested items are: nosh, drinks, toothpaste, toiletries, socks,
Maybe some chayalim on the list can suggest other items!!
Thank you for joining the seniors of Melabev in this mitzvah!
Melabev Beit Shemesh
melabev.shemesh at gmail.com

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