[RBS] TORA DOJO KARATE - Rgister for next years classes - New Adult program - great clases for kids

[RBS] TORA DOJO KARATE - Rgister for next years classes - New Adult program - great clases for kids

Mim & Ari Fuld fuld at netvision.net.il
Sun Jun 7 14:04:43 IDT 2009

Tora Dojo Karate has been around Bet Shemeh for a DECADE!
We have developed a great club that reaches far beyond just another 'CHUG'

Tora Dojo Karate is a Jewish Martial Arts style that develops practical Self
Defense technique as well as internal strengthening.
For more info on the style
 www.toradojo.co.il /  http://www.andron.org/tora-dojo-karate.php

The kids classes are designed to introduce Japanese Karate to our young
students while instilling them with Self Confidence and Self Control. Many
of our young students have accomplished tremendous feats in the Martial Arts
as well as in all aspects of their life due to their practice of Tora Dojo
We have often witnessed 'C' students blossom into 'A' students and have
seen concentration problems improve tremendously through the practice of
Our goal is not to baby-sit your kids but rather train them and have them
grow emotionally as well as physically.

Tora Dojo Adult classes are held in a traditional Martial Arts manner. Our
adults classes have been running since 1998.
This is the perfect way to get into or stay in shape while training and
learning practical Self Defense and Karate.
Separate Self Defense courses are offered to women and Girls. These courses
have proven effective in real life situations. While we train our students
to avoid confrontation, we arm them with effective and practical self
defense technique.

Our Classes take place in Bet Shemesh on Rechov Rakefet (Jabotinsky school
gym) on Sundays and Thursdays (time schedule at end of e-mail)
NEW RBS classes are opening in September.

Looking for a group of teens who are interested in some hard core
raining  - bodybuilding - conditioning and hands on Self Defense.

For more information or registration to any of our classes contact:
Sensei Ari Fuld

Sundays & Thursday
5:00-6:00 Beginners kids Karate
6:00-7:00 Advanced kids Karate
7:00-8:00 Women's and Girls Karate (age 13 and up)
8:00-9:30 Men's Karate

Private Self Defense courses given upon request  (minimum of 10
Next Self Defense course starting in August.

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