[RBS] Why Online Hebrew lessons

[RBS] Why Online Hebrew lessons

Yedgarno yedgarno at 012.net.il
Sun Nov 1 06:45:58 IST 2009


Why chose on line learning?
by Rachele Silver ISH Contributing writer

Why chose online learning? I know from some of the students point of view 
that it's more conducive learn in their comfort of their own home also 
without the pressure of travel and parking. However, as an English teacher, 
I was interested to hear teachers prospective. I telephoned Osnat who is 
qualified language teacher with over a decades experience behind her, who is 
a Hebrew teacher with Istudyhebrew.com to ask her opinion on the virtual 
classroom. Osnat enlightened me; she reminded me that in a normal teaching 
day, where time is taken from lesson preparation to travel, the teacher 
often arrives hassled and maybe not able to totally focus on the lesson. As 
an online teacher Osnat has to only walk to her computer with her lesson 
plan , and greet her student, she is fresh relaxed and able to give 100% 
attention to her students needs . Osnat teaches all levels of students, each 
group comprises of students on the same starting level, from very beginners 
who have no knowledge of Hebrew whatsoever, to advanced students. She 
explained how the students build up a relationship with their online class, 
but because there is no webcam it overcomes the student's initial 
embarrassment and they learn in a stress free environment, the students 
support & encourage each others efforts. Since the classes are small, Osnat 
can customize the lesson to suit the individual students learning needs. I 
was struck by Osnat's professionalism yet her friendliness; she put me at my 
ease, and I could imagine her building up an instant rapport with her 
students. When I asked her what the best part of her job was she didn't 
hesitate for even a split second, "my student's success "she said, "knowing 
they have achieved their goal in a relaxed and happy manner. " Before my 
conversation with Osnat I was somewhat apprehensive about undertaking a 
Hebrew language course on line , but now I am excited, knowing that my 
teacher will also be professional, and personable and able to help me 
through the mine field of learning Hebrew, and I am looking forward to 
sharing my experience with you.


Natanella Yedgar

Online Hebrew Studies and Israel Catalog

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