[RBS] Helping New Olim with Employment

[RBS] Helping New Olim with Employment

marsha twersky marshat at 013net.net
Thu Nov 5 12:58:02 IST 2009


Hi, I am responsible for employment for new Olim from all different countries in the Jerusalem, Modiin and Bet Shemesh area on behalf of the Jewish Agency.   I would really like to build a database of people in different professions that the Olim could call and ask advice during their first year in Israel. 

It would entail just giving advice only about your profession over the phone or by email.  
If you can contact me with name, phone numbers, email address, profession, company you work in, I would really appreciate it and I will then set up the database. 
This would really help the new Olim and make the Aliyah process just a little easier. 

Thanks a million 
Yoel Weil 
YoelW at jafi.org 
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