[RBS] Recommendation for "Chana the Seamstress"

[RBS] Recommendation for "Chana the Seamstress"

Yehonasan & Yael Crow yjcrow at netvision.net.il
Wed Nov 11 22:54:14 IST 2009

This is an unsolicited recommendation for "Chana the Seamstress"
(077-4013990) of Nachal Noam.

We were getting pretty embarrassed at how dirty and threadbare our
dining room chairs looked and wanted a quick, cheap and easy solution to
make them presentable again.  We bought nice fabric from the local
curtain store and reupholstered the seat cushions ourselves.  However,
there was a very tricky looking curved back panel that also needed
doing.  When I'd brought some minor clothing repairs to Chana, I was
treated to a peek at some stunning bridesmaid dresses she was making,
and baruch Hashem, I thought of asking her to sew the new covers for our
chair panels.  She did an amazing job at a very fair price, and she did
it very quickly.  I highly recommend giving her a try.

-Yael Crow

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