[RBS] "Low Profile" thanks Bet Shemesh for coming out to see our show on Thursday!

[RBS] "Low Profile" thanks Bet Shemesh for coming out to see our show on Thursday!

Zvi Newman zn_bassman at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 24 19:55:10 IST 2009

On behalf of the rest of Low Profile - Danny Sher (guitar and volcals), David Fenster (drums), Victor Ofstein (keyboard and vocals), and Jesse Nowlin (multimedia) - I'd like to thank the 180 people who came to see our performance of "The Radical History Tour" on Thursday at the Matnas in Migdal Hamayim. We hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did!

Here's a video taken by an audience member:

We had audience members from Raanana, Rehovot, the moshavim and kibbutzim around Bet Shemesh, and other places, but the vast majority were "the home crowd." And we thank our local friends who helped promote the show!

We've performed this show eight times to paying audiences in and around Jerusalem, and we are now looking to bring it to other places: the Tel-Aviv area, Raanana, Netanya, etc. Private events in the J-lem area are good too. Since we don't have a promoter, we'd be very happy to hear of any opportunities. 

We have a promo with contact details at:

Shavua tov to all, and keep on rocking!

- Zvi (the bass player)

Zvi Newman
zn_bassman at yahoo.com


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