[RBS] When do you put your seatbelt on???

[RBS] When do you put your seatbelt on???

Yitzchok & Hasha Lavi lavi at chardmore.net
Thu Apr 22 00:01:18 IDT 2010

Pircha Soloveichik wrote:

> If you, even occasionally, put on your seatbelt or have your kids put on
> theirs, ONLY after first putting the car into gear and begin to drive out of
> your driveway (I plead guilty here), then please continue to read this.

I would like to second this and emphasise the other end of the trip.

Too many of the people I give rides to undo their seatbelts *just 
before* we get to where they want to get out. Often this is on or before 
the roundabout (circle) or junction I will stop after. I had a close 
call last week at the exit from a roundabout, fortunately it was just a 
bump. But it shows what can happen and I will keep pointing out to my 
passengers that until we have stopped safely they are still in danger, 
all the more so when unbelted, and particularly at intersections.

The amount of time "saved" by having the seatbelt released before we 
stop is never going to be noticeable. Should something happen, G-d 
forbid, the injury may well be.

Yitzchok Lavi

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