[RBS] Looking for men in RBS for weekly shiur by Rabbi Pinchas Winston

[RBS] Looking for men in RBS for weekly shiur by Rabbi Pinchas Winston

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Sat Aug 14 22:49:27 IDT 2010

Dear RBS

Its an idea that has been floating around and finally I would like to know from the members of the RBS yahoo group, who would be interested in restarting the Rabbi Winston's men shiur again in RBS. I would need a commitment of at least 10 men who would come each week to the shiur as well as one person from the group to drive Rabbi Winston back to his home in Telstone. 

Please let me know asap so we can restart this amazing shiur in RBS.

Good Shabbos
Reuven Ashenberg
Moderator for Rabbi Winston yahoo group

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