[RBS] Avail yourself of the Dolev Speech & Language Clinic!

[RBS] Avail yourself of the Dolev Speech & Language Clinic!

Rivka Radonsky SLP radonski at bezeqint.net
Sun Aug 29 22:11:50 IDT 2010

  The Dolev Speech & Language Clinic empowers children, teens and adults 
with enhanced communication skills, specializing in many different areas:

 1.General communication skills
          Eye contact, turn taking skills in games & in conversation, body 
language, facial expression, self-confidence

 2. Expressive Language
           Vocabulary, word-finding, sentence building, expressing needs and 
feelings, relating personal information;

3. Receptive Language
          Functions of objects and people, categorizing, sequencing 
activities and events, linguistic concepts,  time concepts,  auditory memory 
           comprehension, following instructions, problem solving, reality 

 3. Articulation
         Clarity of letters, vowels and  words in speech, strength of 
tongue, lips, cheeks etc

 4. Voice
          Vocal habits, abdominal breathing, voice projection

 5. Fluency
         Cluttering, stuttering, pace of speech etc

6. Eating, drinking, drooling
          Lip function, biting, sucking, chewing, manipulating food and 
drink with tongue & cheeks PRIOR to swallowing (no actual swallow therapy

Warm, cozy environment stocked with a large variety of developmental toys 
for infants and school aged children

Confidence-building, client-centered therapy

Evaluating and treating:
    *stroke survivors
Recommendations upon request!


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