[RBS] Professional Dance School in RBS - Trials This Thursday

[RBS] Professional Dance School in RBS - Trials This Thursday

Shoshi Broide dancerbs at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 15:29:42 IDT 2010

Shoshi Broide's Dance School* is coming to RBS!

Shoshi Broide has a reputation for serious, higher-level training.
With Shoshi Brodie's methods, your daughter will acquire advanced technical
and practical knowledge in Modern Dance and Classical Ballet.
Trial class will be held Thursday, Sep. 2. You MUST call to arrange a trial.
Times will be given over the phone.
>From age 9 through high school girls.

WOMEN'S CLASSES FORMING, TOO. Call for information.
Classes will be held at Jo's Club in RBS.
This is not a Matnas chug, rather a twice-weekly class, from an established
school, that is both professional and a lot of fun.
For more information, contact ATARA HAFFNER, RBS resident, and dance
instructor at 052-769-9569. Do not reply to this mail.
* If you haven't heard of this school, then ask any of your Israeli
neighbors. If you want your daughter to move ahead in her dance education,
then you should arrange for her to be at the trial class.

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