[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery, because it is healthy and good!

[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery, because it is healthy and good!

yamin and justine cohen justine at neto.net.il
Wed Dec 15 22:12:10 IST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sheryl Saidel 
To: Justine Cohen 
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 5:07 PM
Subject: Saidels Bakery, because it is healthy and good!

      Two things separate Saidels Bakery from any other bakery in Israel.
      1. Dedication to providing the healthiest possible baked goods
      2. Meticulous attention to detail and devotion in every product

      Monday morning. The regular daily shmooze with our mashgiach, Tzvi. 
      Seeing me slog over a dough and feeling sorry for me, he says "Les, 
      why don't you add all the 'other' stuff that regular bakeries put in 
      their breads? You know, the stuff with the E-'s (E-525, E-128 etc). It 
      would make your life so much easier."
      We've had this discussion at least a million times before and again I 
      remind him that our bakery is different, we don't put E-'s in our 
      bread. He scratches his head in incredulity, as he always does, 
      obviously thinking to himself that I am a little nuts and not kneading 
      with both elbows.

      Perhaps I am a little eccentric as far as my bread goes. But hey! 
      there must be at least a few other nutcases out there like me who 
      don't like E-'s in their food. Maybe I am totally far gone, but when I 
      put something in my mouth, I like to know that it is as close as 
      possible to a major food group, like a vegetable, a protein, a starch. 
      Not some artificial "whoknowswhat" dreamed up by some "wiz" chemist to 
      replace what we know as REAL food, because a. it is cheaper b. has a 
      longer shelf life (and makes more money for the food companies) and c. 
      makes food look artificially better than it ever could in nature.
      If you ever took a minute to examine the ingredients of the food you 
      eat, you would get a nasty shock. Reading the ingredients list is 
      enough of a jolt for some to stop eating those "spicy enchilada blue 
      colored corn chips". Others simply cannot live without "spicy 
      enchilada blue colored corn chips" regardless of how many E-'s they do 
      or don't have. 

      Forget about the enchiladas, try buying a piece of frozen roasting 
      beef. How far off the beaten track can you get with that, right? After 
      all, Meat is meat, isn't it? It's an interesting exercise, try it just 
      for a laugh - read the ingredient list on a piece of frozen shoulder 
      of beef (number 4 or 5 I think).

      Needless to say, if you are looking for "spicy enchilada blue colored 
      corn chips", Saidels Bakery is NOT the place you will find them.

      At Saidels Bakery you will find a crackpot baker who believes even the 
      most "unhealthy" baked products, for example donuts, should be made as 
      healthy as feasibly possible, for example fried in Canola oil. 

      He believes that any bread should contain at least some wheat germ and 
      bran to make it just that little bit healthier than just plain 
      "starchy" white bread. So even his "white breads", like sweet challah, 
      contain 10% freshly stone ground whole wheat flour, brimming with 
      wheat germ and bran, but unnoticeable in the end product (sometimes 
      you have to resort to guerrilla tactics to make certain people, like 
      kids, eat healthy).

      He believes that it is worthwhile working a little harder and using 
      natural yeast starters to slowly ferment his breads naturally over 24 
      hours to get that high quality texture and crispness that all other 
      bakeries just cram E-something additives to get the same result in 
      under an hour.

      In a word, you have a baker who cares about health, his health and 
      your health. He is a health fanatic to whom making an extra buck or 
      getting an extra hour's sleep by compromising on health is an 

      Therefore in Saidels Bakery you will find the healthiest baked goods 
      you can find in any bakery in the country.

      The second advantage Saidels Bakery has over the competition is our 
      care and devotion to our products. 
      The word "artisan" is not simply a buzzword with us. We are craftsmen 
      in every sense of the word. Everything in our bakery is hand made with 
      the mastery of decades of experience and with the care and love that 
      only fanatic bakers can give to their products. 

      Our slogan "baked with love" says it all. Our products are not as-
      close-as-you-can-get to home made, our products ARE home made, baked 
      in an old fashioned brick oven in a small family bakery, by a husband, 
      wife and grandmother team.

      So if you have not yet tried our wide range of products (which includes challot, health breads, pies, cookies, sambusakim and quiches), this is the time, both for the health and for the unbelievable taste.

      One can place an order through our newly enhanced and up-dated website
      http://saidels.com/ or call us at 09-7941222.

      We deliver every Friday to Bet Shemesh and Ramat Bet Shemesh. Our 
      pickup points are - 

      Bet Shemesh: Family Benstein, 18/1 Hashoshan, Nofei Aviv between 13:00 
      and 15:00. We also deliver to your door in Bet Shemesh for an added 10 
      NIS delivery fee.

      Ramat Bet Shemsh: Family Cohen, Nachal Nachshon 6/18 (cottage behind 
      building 6), between 14:00-15:30.

      Have a healthy, tasty Shabat
      Les and Sheryl Saidel
      Saidels Bakery - "baked with love"
      Tel: 09-7941222


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