[RBS] Another parking spot grabber - "HALEVI'IM"

[RBS] Another parking spot grabber - "HALEVI'IM"

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Thu Dec 23 16:56:01 IST 2010

I'm delighted to be able to do something at last proactive regarding the
difficulties of finding an available parking space.  But besides signing
the petition, please take a moment to phone the owner of "HaLevi'im",
whose trailer occupies a valuable space right on HaKishon.  People
already seem to be rather perturbed - the trailer has a flat tire, has
been moved up as close as possible to the sidewalk, and frankly, I'm
surprised no one's just gathered a few guys to pick it up and move it
(you've got my approval!)  Actually, as of yesterday, they've got a
brand new advertisement on the agala.  The person who works at the store
insists it's the right of anyone to park any thing in a public space
that they wish.  I've been unable to track down the owner - I've been
told he's in chu"l.  The store number is 999-9093 and one of the owner's
cell phones is 050-535-6162.  He's just opened a new store in the Park
Center - you can see the enormous "H" (not in Hebrew) on the face of the

I suggest one mentions that he'll get no business from the caller until
the trailer is moved.  Go for it!  Call once, call daily, get that
trailer moved!  (I'm going to take an educated guess that calls from men
will be given more attention than from women.)

~Rivka Ester Rothstein

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