[RBS] It's NOT 100% Tzedaka

[RBS] It's NOT 100% Tzedaka

Avrohom Leventhal avrohom at lemaanachai.org
Tue Dec 28 11:19:38 IST 2010

Lema'an Achai is 500%(or more) tzedaka!

Lema'an Achai makes the absolute most out of every 
shekel/dollar/pound/rand/euro that we receive.

The programs of Smart Chesed effect millions of shekels worth of assistance, 
services and treatment to our families.

Through financial rehabilitation, therapy, employment guidance, small 
business development, counseling, loan gemach,
material aid, dentistry, etc. we are empowering hundreds of your neighbors 
to stand on their own.

There is no higher form of tzedaka.

You too can generate a high "ROI" (return on investment) of your tzedaka 

As always you are invited to come and see firsthand how your generosity 
impacts so strongly.
Meet our volunteers and staff. Ask about our many programs.

Donate today and become our partner in Smart Chesed. Make a real difference 
in your community!

Call 9999933 24/6 or visit our website: www.smartchesed.org or call 999-1553 
to arrange pick up.

Tizku L'Mitzvos! 

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