[RBS] New track in a local dati junior high school for boys - please read

[RBS] New track in a local dati junior high school for boys - please read

Gayle Shimoff gayle at partnerswithparents.org.il
Tue Feb 9 09:42:16 IST 2010

Many of you already know from my last email and our latest newsletter that I
have been talking to Klemo Buznach about the possibility of opening a new
track in a local dati junior high school for boys. Thanks to everyone who
responded to my first email.

It is really important for me to hear from you, if you are interested in
seeing this idea become a reality, even if you don't have a son in sixth
grade this year. Please send me a short email and let me know what  you are
thinking about. 

(Some people had trouble sending me an email previously because my email
address was to written correctly. Please resend me  your email if it had
bounced back to you previously.)

I would like to receive feedback from non English speaking parents as well.
Here is the link to the email in Hebrew. Please forward it to as many
friends or colleagues who may be interested in what we are trying to do. 

Thank you

Gayle S Shimoff, MA 
Learning Disabilities and Reading Specialist 
Gayle at partnerswithparents.org.IL 
Partners with Parents, R"A, A non profit organization in Israel 
"Helping children with learning disabilities in Israel succeed!" 
Phone: 972-2-999-4817, 
Fax: 1-532-999-4817 
Toll Free from the USA: 1-866-563-6915 

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