[RBS] Urgent Plea for help

[RBS] Urgent Plea for help

Rochelle & David Ram rdram at netvision.net.il
Sat Jan 16 19:42:59 IST 2010

I am trying to organize help for a local woman. Her husband was on the 
number 2 bus that exploded, and since then - he does not function at all. 
(He does not get out of bed, leave the house or communicate). The wife is an 
orphan, and really has noone to help her raise their children. They have no 
income and often do not even have food. The wife is having surgery this 
week, so I am trying to raise funds to help them. Please be in touch if you 
can donate to this very needy family.

Shavua Tov and Chodesh Tov,
Rochelle Ram

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