[RBS] Soloveichik Gemara Shiur Every Tuesday Night at Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik

[RBS] Soloveichik Gemara Shiur Every Tuesday Night at Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik

Mosdot HaRavAharonSoloveichik mosdotharavaharonsoloveichik at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 16 21:08:25 IST 2010

HaRav Chayim Soloveichik, son of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Soloveichik ztz"l delivers a b'iyun gemara shiur every Tues. night which is now going through the third pereq of Masecheth Berachoth.

HaRav Soloveichik's gemara shiur encourages critical thinking and follows the Soloveichik tradition of thought-provoking questions.

HaRav Soloveichik is a scion of a long line of talmidei chachamim and it is our zchut that he shares with us his own and his families' Torah insights.

         Place: Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik,
               Nachal Maor 27, Ramat Beth Shemesh

          Time: Tuesday night, 20:00 (followed by Maariv at 21:00)

                                    Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik

Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik was founded by HaGaon HaRav Aharon Soloveichik ztz"l and continues under the leadership and guidance of HaRav Chaim Soloveichik.



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