[RBS] Any schools or shuls looking to buy chairs in quantity?

[RBS] Any schools or shuls looking to buy chairs in quantity?

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 01:29:19 IST 2010

Dear All,

Yeshivat Lev HaTorah is about to make a large order for chairs.

The chair is a "standard" school chair:


It comes in one of 7 basic colors.
It was designed so the seat itself is a very comfortable width, but the total width of the legs are narrower, so that it takes up only 44 centimeter width, the size of a "ketter" chair.

These chairs are *very* hardy.
Lev HaTorah has had over 100 of these chairs for the last 8 years and they are very tough.

If you know of a shul or school interested in ordering chairs, please let me know and we can reduce the price by buying together.

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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