[RBS] Electronics waste collection

[RBS] Electronics waste collection

Renee Halpert reneeh at netvision.net.il
Sat Mar 13 20:57:14 IST 2010

E-waste Collection Day, Tuesday March 16th!

WHAT: E-waste collection for reuse and recycling.
These hazardous materials do not belong in the landfills.

Bring unused or non-working small appliances and electronics: computers,
printers, faxes, phones, radios, video players, cables/cords, transformers,
mouse, modem, camera, batteries, microwaves (nothing larger)
Please label anything that IS in working order - so it can be given to needy

Main location - Beit Shemesh waste transfer station, near the Train.

>From main entrance to City, turn North at first turning circle toward the
Train Station, pass Big. At traffic circle by train station, turn right
(east) and drive until the end of the short road, through the gate. There
will be volunteers and a bin there for drop off.   
8:00 am - 8:00 pm

NEW!!! Second location:
PC Integrity computer store - Sheinfeld shopping plaza. Times: 10:00-16:30.
Volunteers needed to transfer the collected items to the main bin during the
day. Please call or email Renee.

The collection is part of "Good Deeds Day", a national project of "Ruach
Tova" (Arison foundation) and Adam Teva v'Din. Beit Shemesh is one of 10
cities participating in the e-waste collection.

Forum Shemesh Yehuda is proud to have suggested this project to the City and
to help coordinate volunteers.


Renee Halpert
Forum Shemesh Yehuda
reneeh at netvision.net.il

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