[RBS] Kudos to KLY re: the annual Pesach sale

[RBS] Kudos to KLY re: the annual Pesach sale

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Thu Mar 25 09:43:55 IST 2010

With all of the balagan, with all of the unexpected mishaps and delays,
the community owes a huge debt of gratitude to the many brains behind
the operations, the efforts of smooth organization, the idea of the car
pick-up - and most of all - the many volunteers who stood out in the sun
for hours helping us with the sale.

Nachas goes to the parents of all of those little guys who were
shlepping and hauling and servicing customers like grown men!  Gevalt,
some of them couldn't have been more than 8 - 9 years old, and they were
out there serious about their tasks at hand!

Thank you to KLY, thank you to all the members of the community I
recognized 'doing their part' to help out, thanks to the two teenagers
who I don't know who agreed to help me shlep my things to the car.
Appreciation to the residents of Lachish for the inconvenience I'm
certain they were caused for the day.  All in all, a successful
community effort, which certainly saved us tens of thousands of shekels
in expenses.

May we all have a chag kasher v'sameach, and tizku l'mitzvot,

~Rivka Ester Rothstein

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