[RBS] Seeking Cab drivers who can seat 5 adults plus himself to Chashmonaim Erev Chag-no one day chag car rentals available

[RBS] Seeking Cab drivers who can seat 5 adults plus himself to Chashmonaim Erev Chag-no one day chag car rentals available

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Thu Mar 25 09:51:30 IST 2010

We tried the two car rental companies in RBS-A and there are no cars available to rent for Erev Chag.
Does anyone know of a driver who has a car that can accomodate 5 adults and himself, such as a station wagon?
If that is not possible, does anyone else need to take a cab to Chashmonaim who might want to share a van to Chashmonaim Erev Chag and then return with the van?
Adina Rosenstein
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