remove antennas removeantennas at gmail.com
Mon May 24 16:21:41 IDT 2010

We are Thrilled- Ecstatic- ELATED to report that after a strong showing by
wonderful mothers, fathers and babies at the courthouse

and LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG speeches by the cellcom lawyer,

The judge ruled that Cellcom must meet with Moshe Montag of the Iriya to
find an alternate place -out of the residential zone!- for the cellcom

This is a huge and wondeful step for us-

We will keep you posted and ask that you conitune to assist us as there are
3 other companies to influence still-

and unfortunately the antennas are allowed to continue to work for now...

We have been working extremely hard on this and will continue to do so- we
still need help to make this go as quickly and smoothly as possible- so
please, join us and lets take care of our neighborhood together!

Thank you and Kol Hakavod to everyone who has put in their time and efforts-
including their spouses!

The Vaad for the Removal of The Antennas

Eli, Shoshanna, Fanny, Meirav, Chai, Paz, Eyal & more

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