[RBS] Thank you from Lema'an Achai!!!

[RBS] Thank you from Lema'an Achai!!!

Susan susan at lemaanachai.org
Sun Nov 28 15:01:28 IST 2010

A big Yishar Koach from Lema'an Achai to all the amazing volunteers who 
helped with our Chanukah Food Drive last Wednesday and Thursday.  Thanks go 
also to everyone who made the effort to come and shop during the hours of 
the Food Drive and bought items to donate.
You are all merited with the huge amount of food that was collected for 
Lema'an Achai families!!!

Special thanks to:

The supermarkets where we collected:
Best Market, Dil Vezol, Yesh, Shefa Shuk, Barcol

The educational institutions who sent us volunteers:
Yeshivat Shaalei Torah, Ulpanat Ahavat Yisrael, Seminar Tifferet, Yeshivat 
Reishit, Yeshivat Yesodei Hatorah

Our adult supervisors and drivers:
Ayelet Weill, Menucha Rotenburg, Batya Yerenberg, Yaakov Green, Margaret 
Abrams, Tamar Bar Shai, Racheli Itzkovitz, Nachman Rosenberg

Kol Hakavod on all your efforts to brighten up the town for Chanukah!!!!

A huge Thank You from Lema'an Achai!!!!

Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai
(02) 999-1553 ext.115 

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