Beis Tefilla Yonah Avraham Information info2 at btya.org
Wed Oct 13 16:17:33 IST 2010


Sometimes you're looking for a shiur, but you need a really GREAT TOPIC.

Sometimes you're looking for a shiur, but you need a really GREAT MAGGID

Why choose? You now have an opportunity to join a life-changing Gemara
shiur, given by a master.

This nightly shiur will learn Shas Bavli with clarity, including arriving at
the practical halachic bottom lines. (Full details below.)

Anyone who's heard R' Joel Padowitz knows that it's worth coming just to
hear him give a shiur on any topic.

This is an opportunity to enhance your current learning program's structure,
pace, breadth, and clarity.

Contact R' Padowitz NOW to be among the "assara rishonim" and to find out
when it's starting: JP at palladiumcapital.com


1. Shiur is given Sun-Thurs in Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham, starting after
the 8 PM ma'ariv (approx 8:20 PM) and ending at 9 PM sharp.

2. The target pace is 1 amud per day.

3. The shiur will start at the beginning of Maseches B'rachos, followed by
Shabbos, Eruvin etc.

4. The goals of the shiur are:

* Read and explain every word of Gemara inside (including thorough treatment

of all the scientific, historical, etc. stuff), with Rashi's p'shat.

* Speak out the main shitos Rishonim that argue with Rashi.

* A thorough, non-superficial treatment of all aggadata (based on Maharsha &

other Ein Yaakov commentaries, Maharal, Gra, and Ben Yehoyada).

* A halachic summary at the end of each sugya based on Tur, Beis Yosef,

Shulchan Aruch, and Be'er Heitiv/Mishna Berurah  (spoken outside).

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