[RBS] Mei Shemesh - The price of water has DOUBLED

[RBS] Mei Shemesh - The price of water has DOUBLED

Sassen family jdsassen at netvision.net.il
Mon Sep 20 22:43:14 IST 2010

Have you received your new water bill from Mei Shemesh?
The price of the water for Tarif A has risen from NIS 4.61 to 8.35 per cubic
meter and the price for Tarif B has risen from NIS 8.43 to 13.50.

Is this really what was supposed to happen to water prices? I thought it was
supposed to be a gradual increase in prices of 40% that was to occur over
time until 2011. Price already jumped at the beginning of the year.

Do we have any way of fighting this?

Thank you and Chag Sameach.
Jonathan and Debbie Sassen

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