[RBS] Police Stations Failure to Respond During an Emergency

[RBS] Police Stations Failure to Respond During an Emergency

Susan Reuben s.r.reuben at googlemail.com
Sun Apr 3 22:13:58 IDT 2011

This is unbeliveable - I also thought the police were supposed to be a 24hr 
service.  A few days ago my neighbour went walking early in the morning at 
around 6am and she saw 3 Arabs. 1 was walking around the building, and the 
others poking into the garbage outside.  Baruch Hashem it was nothing more 
than that, but she called the police to inform them - loads of  times - and 
...there was NO REPLY!!!  so, all the activists out there; what do we do 
about this?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A." <spitkyng at gmail.com>
To: <rbs at cs.huji.ac.il>
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 9:02 PM
Subject: [RBS] Police Stations Failure to Respond During an Emergency

>I was working in a house today in ramat bet shemesh and 4 Arabs broke in 
>through the locked bars on the garden door. I hid behind a door upstairs, 
>and immediately phoned my husband who came running over. I phoned the Baal 
>habayit too who phoned the police, but they didn't answer. My husband 
>fought them off with two kitchen knives and proceeded to phone the 
>police.it rang and rang and went busy. the owner tried also to phone them, 
>and the same thing. another guy tried and it worked from his phone. 1/2 
>hour goes by, Arabs fled the scene and the police show up. Upon questioning 
>they ask why I didn't phone the police, I said my husband answered and 
>responded, you didn't. Is this how safe our neighborhoods are? The police 
>is here for what if not to keep us safe?  I am horrified at their lack of 
>assistance in a time of crisis. What if they would have attacked my 
>husband? Where are the police when we need them? And why in heavens name 
>are the Arabs allowed to walk our streets freely? What is everyone waiting 
>for? Wake up, just as they slaughtered the poor fogels, what's to stop them 
>anywhere else? Especially if nobody is taking any action.
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