[RBS] The supportive community Schuna Tomechet for the elderly for all of Beit Shemesh

[RBS] The supportive community Schuna Tomechet for the elderly for all of Beit Shemesh

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Wed Aug 10 05:37:45 IDT 2011

A project for the elderly special price if you join now. 5  shekels a month What do you get?
1. Av Bayit is available 24 hours a day  through the cellphone or the emergency call alarms, provides minor repairs and visits the members when necessary.

2.Moked Services through Yad Sarah that provide two way communication with the sniours 24 hours a day.

3. Medical Services.  Home visits by a doctor aat a nominal fee and an ambulance when needed.

4, Social Activities

5. Home improvement Services.  new service for home repairs and garden clean up.

The cost  is very reaasonable and keeps  the elderly in their own homes..

To sign up and for more information call The Amutat Lemaan Hakashish Beit Shemesh  9917297 or email me at annkpom at gmail.com

Annie Pomrantz, social worker of the Mercaz Yom, 0547883861.  

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