[RBS] PSA: Melting Babka desserts have arrived in RBSA (9AM)

[RBS] PSA: Melting Babka desserts have arrived in RBSA (9AM)

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 09:28:43 IST 2011


JUst took the dog out for a walk and noticed the Melting Babka company
has already delivered it's goodies to Best Market Nachal Dolev.
(Thye keep it in the back of the store near the bakery)
I guess that menas it is also already at Hakol Lishulchan in the RBSA
shopping center near Foto First too).
So now you can do your Shabbos shopping AND pick up your desserts
without having to make 2 seperate trips!

Have a great day


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