[RBS] have a car? do a mitzva

[RBS] have a car? do a mitzva

Susan Reuben s.r.reuben at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 8 09:19:03 IST 2011

I saw a young boy today struggling his way up Nahal Luz to go to cheder on two crutches with little use of his legs.  Apparently, he live son Nahal Noam, and it takes him over 1 HOUR to get to school - by which time I am sure he is finished!  Please, if you have a car and you go past his home around 8 - 8.30 am - give him a ride!  It was terribly heartbreaking to see him struggling, sa I am sure it must be for his parents every morning.

I remember there being a posting about him a while ago on this list - but I cant find it, however, I know people who live in his building, so I can pass on any help that is offered.

Tizku l'mitzvos
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