[RBS] Please help a group of Bar-Ilan Students change Jerusalem

[RBS] Please help a group of Bar-Ilan Students change Jerusalem

Avi and Ditza aviditz at netvision.net.il
Thu Feb 10 06:07:57 IST 2011

Hello ,

My name is Dovid Levine. I am a second-year Logistics student at Bar-Ilan University, originally from New Jersey.

I represent a small group of students who have been trying for the past year to lay the groundwork to create a homeless shelter in Jerusalem - the only one actually. Progress has been painstakingly slow, as we worked to establish a detailed and viable plan of action. 

Two weeks ago we entered the Dell Social Innovation Competition, a contest jointly run by Dell and the University of Austin, where students can win $50,000 for their non-profit ideas. Luckily, despite our late arrival to the scene, we have managed to garner more than 950 votes and earn third place out of over 600 entries. If we finish in the top ten by February 18th, we automatically proceed to the second round; if we place first, we get an additional $1000, a vital resource in our campaign to win the $50,000 grand prize.

However, we need a lot more help if we wish to win the competition, and even more to enact our dream and build homeless shelter.. Specifically, we need your help.

First and foremost, we ask you to vote for us in the competition (http://matzav.org.il/dellsocialinnovationcompetition ). We are 300 votes behind first place, and that gap is growing every day. It is an action that takes only a minute to perform, and does us great service at no cost to yourself.

Second, we ask you to get our message out and encourage people to vote for us, and to help us actualize our vision. We ask that bloggers write about us, that donors help fund the costs of incorporating as a nonprofit, and that volunteer-warriors of every kind, with the skills and/or time to step forward, offer their services and assistance. 

I understand the hesitations you may have; after all you have never heard of me, or the plan I am representing. Still, our cause is just, and with your help we can really do immeasurable good for Jerusalem.. I hope that before you dismiss this, you read about our organization (our website: http://matzav.org.il/about ) and contact me with questions and/or comments at dlevine at matzav.org.il. 

Only with your support can we affect social change, eradicate homelessness, alleviate poverty, and ultimately create a better Jerusalem.

Dovid Levine
Project Director
Matzav Center for Basic Needs
dlevine at matzav.org.il 

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