[RBS] The Mysteries of Meat...Unwrapped

[RBS] The Mysteries of Meat...Unwrapped

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham (BTYA) Information info2 at btya.org
Thu Feb 10 17:40:24 IST 2011


Many people consider meat, its slaughter, supervision, and Kashrus status to
be one of the most perplexing subjects in Kashrus. With the preponderance of
Hechsherim and alleged “politics,” it can be difficult to know what the real
story is.

BTYA and Jerusalem Kosher News are pleased to clarify the mysteries in this
coming week's “extra” Shovevim lecture:

Rav Dovid Stein is a veteran expert kashrus mashgi'ach who has worked for
various hashgachos covering the gamut of kashrus: olives, chickens, matzos,
and much, much more.

Rav Stein will clarify  the following meat mysteries, and a lot more:

* What the "line" is like: how many chickens per minute, how many
mashgichim, shochtim, and bodkim, and how often are the knives checked.

* How is salting done, and what issues arise.

* How is checking for t'reifos done.

* What's the hieararchy: workers, mashgichim, mefakchim, et al.

* What is the kashrus organization doing exactly?

So, pencil in this MONDAY night, from 8:15 PM (after the 8:00 PM ma'ariv) to
join us for this extra, and EXTRA SPECIAL lecture. 

Open to men and women (with a mechitza).

You can hear previous Shovevim Kashrus shiurim, at the "kashrus" link at


BTYA, under the guidance of HoRav Malinowitz, is located in RBS A, at Nachal
Refaim 34A, corner of Luz.

For more information, or to hear recorded shiurim, visit our Web site at

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