[RBS] Beware: Local Kashrut Problem

[RBS] Beware: Local Kashrut Problem

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 11:35:13 IST 2011

I have found twice in the past several months, on a random spot check, two candies from the US that were being sold as Kosher in a “Kosher” candy store*, that had absolutely no Kosher symbol from the US.


The most recent one was a version of Tootsie Rolls. The store had a few different sizes. One of them had an OU-D, but the other two, which could be confused as being “exactly the same…of course they are kosher” had no symbol at all.


It’s very important to check every piece, and to teach your kids to check and double-check.


For more information, see http://www.jerusalemkoshernews.com/2010/07/candy-stores-are-a-trap/


Aryeh Sonnenberg


* No, there was no supervision (teudat hechsher) on the candy store, but its location would cause you to believe that everything is Kosher. To the store’s credit, each time I pointed these things out, they promptly removed the items from the shelf.


From: Melissa Shenker [mailto:melissashenker at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 10:32 AM
To: RBS; neshei Lachish; benzvi
Subject: Beware: Local Kashrut Problem


Mamtakey Kobi in the merkaz (next to Chemda Hateva) is selling 'sukariot kashot' (hard candy) under the label 'TATOO Mehadrin' with 3 badly photostatted hechsherim including one from the import department of the Rabbanut Harashit.  I was suspicious of the cheap price (7 boxes for 10 NIS) so I phoned the Rabbanut to check and they said that the company has not had a hechsher/ishur from them since 2007 and anything with a sell by date after 2009 is not under supervision.  These have a sell by date in 2012.

Note: kashrut queries on imported products can be sent to yevu at rabbinate.gov.il.


Lachish 18/9, RBS A
02-9994645, 052-2285568

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