[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery - "GIVE YOUR CHALLA A PROD"

[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery - "GIVE YOUR CHALLA A PROD"

yamin and justine cohen justine at neto.net.il
Wed Jan 26 20:41:06 IST 2011

      This marks the opening installment in our new weekly series of Tips for the Home Baker. Each week we will bring you an expert Saidels Bakery tip for achieving professional results with your home baking and getting the ooh's and aah's you rightly deserve from your family and friends.

      This week's tip: "Prod your Challah"

      For all those who bake their own challahs at home, how do you know when the challahs have risen enough and are ready to go into the oven to bake?

      Using rising times given in recipes or books are often misleading because factors like yeast quality, weather, temperature etc. can affect the rising time of the dough. You need a failsafe method that can adjust to any environmental condition.

      The answer is simple - prod your challah. At various intervals in the rising process (after you have shaped the challahs), give the challah a light "prod" with your finger.

      If then indentation that remains immediately springs back and disappears completely, the challah needs to rise some more. If the indentation remains and does not spring back at all, the challah has over-risen and may deflate when you bake it. If the indentation mostly springs back but a trace of it still remains - your challah is ready to go into the oven.

      Getting your challahs into the oven exactly when they are ready is one of the secrets to puffed up, beautiful looking challahs. Challahs whose crust comes out cracked or "exploded" were probably baked too early, before they had risen enough. Challahs that are flat, deflated and spread out, probably rose for too long before they were baked.

      So next time you bake a challah, give it the "prod test".
      (If anyone want's to know the science/chemistry behind this tip,contact me at shezles at saidels.com and I will send you the info).

      Saidels Bakery is an artisan bakery that combines eons of artisan baking knowledge with the finest and healthiest ingredients to bring you exquisite, unique baked products. Try our range of breads, challahs, bagels, rolls, cookies, pies and frozen meals.

      To order, visit http://saidels.com and use our user friendly on-line order form or call  09-7941222. Our website contains photos and information about all our products.

      Saidels Bakery delivers every Friday to Ramat Bet Shemesh. We have a pickup point in both Bet Shemesh and Ramat Bet Shemesh and we ALSO DELIVER to your door in Bet Shemesh (for an extra 10 NIS delivery fee).
      Our pick-up points is: The Cohens, Nachal Nachshon 6/18 (the cottages behind building #6), tel. 02-9920559, between 14:00 and 15:30.
      Shabbat Shalom
      Les and Sheryl Saidel
      Saidels Bakery - "Baked with love"
      shezles at saidels.com


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