[RBS] UPDATE: Chava bas Faiga - Jane (Rudolph) Herscovici

[RBS] UPDATE: Chava bas Faiga - Jane (Rudolph) Herscovici

rfried rfried at shemesh.co.il
Mon Jul 4 12:56:28 IDT 2011

Please continue to daven for my sister, Chava bas Faiga- Jane (Rudolph)
Herscovici.  My sister who was diagnosed with cancer over one month ago is
having her
surgery THIS Friday, July 8 - 11 am Denver time = 8 pm Israel time.

Many of you know her, she lived in Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel, for 4 years
and now lives in Denver, Colorado.

I asked Jane's friends and people on this list to daven for her and to sign
up to say Tehillim.  Thank G-d, over 100 people signed up and we were able
to say at least two
books of tehillim for her daily. That round of tehillim ends the day before
her surgery.

We want to do another round of tehillim for 40 days since the next 40 days
is crucial to her recovery.

Please go to:
to sign up.

After saying tehillim myself for my sister, I realize what a large
commitment it is to say tehillim for 40 days. If you feel that you can take
on this obligation, please do.  My sister needs all the davening that this
community can give her.

We want to do as many books of tehillim as possible, so when you go to the
sign up page, if you see someone's name already there, you can still sign
up, it just means that we are starting on another book of tehillim and more
prayers are being sent her way.

If you would like to read updates on what is happening with Jane, please
click this link which takes you to a blog where Jane describes her thoughts
and musings on her cancer.

For the tehillim, tick the boxes to indicate which tehillim you would like
to say, enter your details and click the sign-up button. Please only click
once and do not refresh the page). It is hoped that the whole sefer will be
said for 40 days, starting from THURSDAY night, July 7 (Tammuz 6) through
WEDNESDAY August 17 (Av 17) and that in the merit thereof she should have a
full recovery.

Just a few notes regarding the mishmeret: It's very important, when taking
on the commitment to join the mishmeret, to say on the first day that you
intend to say Tehillim for Chava bas Faiga for 40 days, Bli Neder. If you
forget a day, this is a serious halachik problem because the commitment is
binding (a neder), which is why saying Bli Neder is important.

If it happens that you forget, then it's recommended to say the prakim
again, when you remember (even if it means saying them twice in one day).

In addition, if you're worried about forgetting, it's a good idea to find a
friend or neighbor to use as a partner/back up to say the same perakim as

Please follow the Jewish day when saying the tehillim.

Also, please mention Jane's name (Chava bas Faiga) in your Shemonei Esrei

Thank you so much-

Riki (Rudolph) Fried
Jane's sister
Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel

P.S. Many thanks to the community member who voluntarily set-up this
tehillim page for us.  This is a huge mitzvah!

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