[RBS] Thurs. Night-Shiur with Machon Shilo's HaRav David Bar-Hayim-K'riath Sh'ma As A Paradigm

[RBS] Thurs. Night-Shiur with Machon Shilo's HaRav David Bar-Hayim-K'riath Sh'ma As A Paradigm

Machon Shilo toratheretzyisrael at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 6 22:08:50 IDT 2011

Jaded by the shiurim you've been attending? Why not try something Eretz Yisraeli, something new and different?

The head of Machon Shilo, HaRav David Bar-Hayim will be delivering a shiur this Thurs. night (6 Tammuz, 7/7/11) on the topic of:

                KRIATH SH'MA AS A PARADIGM

The shiur will take place this coming Thurs. night at 19:45 at Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik which is located at Nachal Maor 27, Ramat Beth Shemesh. The shiur is open to men and women and will be followed by Maariv at 21:00.

Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, head of Machon Shilo is a ground-breaking Torah scholar who has resurrected the ancient nusach tefillah of Eretz Yisrael based upon the Talmud Yerushalmi. Rabbi Bar-Hayim's teachings may be found at http://machonshilo.org/en/index.php  At Machon Shilo, "Torat Eretz Yisrael" is not a mere slogan, but a reality.

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