[RBS] If you have extra candy leftover after Purim...

[RBS] If you have extra candy leftover after Purim...

Rachel & Daniel Brody dbrody at 012.net.il
Mon Mar 21 09:48:06 IST 2011

If you have extra candy left over after Purim, please consider donating
it to "A Package From Home".  This non-profit organization sends
packages to chayalim bodedim and combat soldiers in the IDF.

* All items must be packaged with a hechsher (and not homemade).
* For security reasons, please identify (family name and phone number)
where the items came from (not on each item - just on the bag or box
you're delivering!)

Items can be delivered in Sheinfeld or in RBS up until Sunday, March 27th

Daniel & Rachel Brody
Rechov Reuven 35 (old 43)
Givat Sharret, Beit Shemesh

Rivka Ester Rothstein
Nahar HaYarkon 8/1, ground floor on the right - big box (or bag!) outside
the door in case no one's home.

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