[RBS] lost and found on buses

[RBS] lost and found on buses

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 10:05:40 IST 2011

I want to remind everyone that if you find  somethign on a bus, unless you
know it belongs to someone in beit shemesh, the best thing to do is to take
it to the bus driver.
   Every bus route has a sadran, and the sadran keeps a locked closet  of
"aveidot".   Personally, I have had wallets full of money returned to me by
busdrivers - twice  i picked the wallets up fromteh sadran, once the
busdriver drove to my sister in law's house to return my wallet ( there was
a receipt with her address in it).  Yes, I am very good at losing

Also, if you lose somethign on a bus, contact the sadran of that route.

here is the info abotu the beit shemesh lost and found for superbus
 בית שמש: 0503170678, ימים א-ה בין השעות 15:45-19:45
02-5304999 Yerushalaim
*2800 Benei Braq
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