[RBS] Unsolicited:Amazing zechut available...

[RBS] Unsolicited:Amazing zechut available...

Harry greenspan rabbispan at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 19 19:11:28 IST 2011

...to honor a loved-one's yahrtzait or a family simcha---Sponsor a 'zechut harabim' in posting tefila/daf yomi times for DOZENS of shuls in our community---Just think: For every person who catches a minyan or attends a shiur based upon using the list you create a 'zechut/merit in shamayim' for your loved-one---I have been a regular sponsor to memorialize my parents and in-laws---If yours are still living,be GRATEFUL for that and do it in their honor! If you want to contact me,I'm at rabbispan at yahoo,com---HOWEVER,the most direct way in to contact the "osek b'tzarchei tzibur b'emuna" who provides this service ,Ephrayim Naiman,at  ejnaiman at gmail.com  or  0547656300     [from:Harry Greenspan]

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