[RBS] bike stolen - maybe...

[RBS] bike stolen - maybe...

Susan Reuben s.r.reuben at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 14 12:34:08 IST 2011

I was walking down Nahal Ayalon and the garbarge truck pulled up along side and one of the workers - an arab jumped off and pulled a small red bike from the front seat next to the driver, called to his friends who were all sitting by a tree in the chanaya where the kupa have their sale.  I approached him and asked him where he got it from.  He told me that it was next to the bins, and i asked him whether he thought someone would seriously throw away a perfect bike, and he repeated what he said and then truned to his friends and went off.   There was nothing wrong with the bike - it had both wheels and all the parts that it is supposed to have.  i dont know if it had been accidentally or purposefully left by the rubbish bins..... my point in telling you all this is a) dont leave your things lying around, while you think that you can trust your beighboursm you cant trust others that come into the neighbourhood and b) if you are mising a small red bike - ask the garbage man!!

Chag Sameach, Shabbat Shalom
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