[RBS] ADHD Workshops to take place in RBS get the understanding you need to make ADHD

[RBS] ADHD Workshops to take place in RBS get the understanding you need to make ADHD

Gilad interivity at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 11:31:45 IST 2011

Shalom shalom

As the world progresses and gets faster and more demanding it seems that some of our children are not completely with the program. 
These children are the ones that in many cases have the most incredible talents, strengths skills and potential to give to this precious world of ours,
unfortunately they do not have the skills, strength, self esteem and tools to know just how to do so.
ADHD is fast becoming the biggest issue a child faces today in yeshivah, school, home and social environments, and it does not have to be!!!!!

My name is Gilad Spitalnik( a resident of Ramat Beit shemesh) and this is my greatest passion in life, to inform and educate parents, teachers, siblings and especially the kids with ADHD
that this is not a disorder but the greatest gift hashem has given them. But with all gifts unless you know how to use it, it can be a huge burden in life.
I teach you have to turn the ADHD on to make it and Asset their greatest success. To parents how to guide this and to understand it, to teachers how to utilize 
it in the classroom and to the child how to blossom with it.

I am looking to get a maximum of 15 people together several workshops which will cover topics such as

*skill strengthening
*right brained vs left brained
*self esteem building
*Executive skill building (time management, organizational skills, controlling impulsivity)
*C.O.B.I system (consequences, options bonuses and incentives)
*How to motivate your children
*Boys and Girls Learning differences: how to optimize results from your child
* and much much more

This is an opportunity not to be missed,

since there will be a limit on the amount of people please reserve your place

I will be also running a workshop for teenagers aged 14- 19

In this workshop we will be covering
* Strengths
* building self esteem
*time management
*Goal setting and orientation
*learning to get valued advice from parents, teachers, rebbes etc
*team work
and much more

in this workshop i will only be taking a max of 12 please book in advance

Once i have the groups i will set dates for the workshops

For more information

Gilad Spitalnik

ADHDiversity Practitioner and family Life Coach
Cell 052 467 2886

Email: gilad at adhdiversity.com
           adhdiversity at gmail.com 

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