[RBS] Response to shipping books free from England

[RBS] Response to shipping books free from England

Naomi Persky naopersky at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 30 14:41:36 IDT 2012

Thank you! to everyone who wrote me back.

use bookdepository.co.uk for new books: shipping is free but the book costs are
generally higher than Amazon. 

used books, betterworldbooks.com ships for free and has great prices. 

Thriftbooks.com charges about $5 per book and also has great prices. 

typically only buy a few books at a time so they haven't merited maam charges
when they've arrived.


Look up The Book Depository - but
.uk not .com (that one is apparently a scam!!)


shipping free to Israel - usually in
about 2 weeks. Prices almost as good as Amazon - 
but shipping is free and
hassle free, so actually the price is better when you factor in 
ll the crazy
convolutions of trying to ship from Amazon


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