[RBS] A powerful message for all of us especially in Elul, written by a friend

[RBS] A powerful message for all of us especially in Elul, written by a friend

Rachel and Moshe Lichtenstein lightstone at bezeqint.net
Tue Aug 21 21:38:33 IDT 2012

This is written by a very dear friend whom I have asked you all to daven for and place on tehillim lists.  Please daven for   בשא שרה בת מרים חי’ה

This is a test. This is only a test. This is a test of the emergency broadcasting system--
from G-D. If this had been a real emergency I wouldn’t have given you time to think
about your life, get your crap in order, and change the way you see and deal with others.
Your life would be flashing before your eyes, then quickly over hit by a bus and your
regrets would be just that, on the other side with no chance to make changes. Instead I
gave you cancer. A very rare cancer. A one percent chance of it being cancer, 1
percent of all adult cancers kind of cancer in a spot nearly impossible to treat. Are you
listening yet? You have been invited into a most exclusive club with benefits few others
get to experience. Every day from now on is a gift. Every experience, every word
spoken from now on will be weighed and measured. Every sense will be heightened
and every pleasurable smell, taste, feeling and sound will be savored because with cancer
there can be no more taking these for granted. The days may be shortened--or not.
Every day with cancer is a day of uncertainty. Will it come back? Will it spread?
Will it kill me, or worse...maim and torment me so that I pray to die? With cancer
serenity and sanity survive only by in living in the moment, as an infant lives. Infants
and animals have no fear of the future because they have no concept of it. They have no
regrets, because they have no complex memory. That is the test of cancer: to let go of
the past, the hurts, the wrongs, to let go of the future and live only in the here and now
and squeeze every drop of joy out of it. To let go...and let G-d.
By Laurel Felsenfeld—living with high grade spindle cell sarcoma

Rachel and Moshe Lichtenstein
Rachel's cell phone; 054-793-6064
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